
    Geological and geomorphologic evidence of late Quaternary activity in the middle segment of the Hanxia-Dahuanggou fault in the northern margin of Qilian Shan

    • 摘要: 旱峡-大黄沟断裂是祁连山北缘西段的一条挤压逆冲边界断裂,前人已有研究未发现其晚第四纪以来活动的可靠证据,与强烈活动的祁连山北缘断裂带其它段很不协调。因此,查明该断裂的最新活动性对揭示祁连山北缘断裂的挤压扩展方式和变形机制具有重要意义,也对研究该区地震构造活动机制和防震减灾工作具有深远影响。本文基于高分辨率卫星影像解译、野外实地调查、无人机航测和断错地层及地貌面年代测试等技术方法,对旱峡-大黄沟断裂中段的断错地貌特征、晚第四纪活动性和地震危险性等进行了研究。根据新发现的天生圈断层剖面和大风沟断错T1阶地面的年代结果,判断该断裂中段的活动时代为全新世中晚期,最新一次构造活动发生于1970±290 a以后。综合研究表明,旱峡-大黄沟断裂中段不仅晚第四纪仍然活动,而且其最新活动已经前展式挤压扩展至玉门逆断裂-褶皱带及两者之间的小型逆冲构造带。旱峡-大黄沟断裂中段未来有发生6.5~7.1级及以上地震的潜能,该断裂的晚第四纪活动性及地震危险性值得关注和深入研究。


      Abstract: The Hanxia-Dahuanggou fault (HDF) is a thrust boundary fault in the western part of the north margin of Qilian Shan. No reliable evidence of its late Quaternary activity has been found, which is inconsistent with other parts of the strongly active Northern Qilian Thrust Fault Zone (NQTFZ). Therefore, finding out the latest activity of the HDF holds profound significance for revealing the extrusion expansion mode and deformation mechanism of the NQTFZ, as well as the seismic mechanism, earthquake prevention and disaster reduction in this area. Based on high-resolution satellite image interpretation, field investigation, unmanned aircraft vehicle photogrammetry, and dating of faulted strata and geomorphologic surface, this paper studies the geomorphic features, late Quaternary activity and seismic risk in the middle segment of the Hanxia-Dahuanggou fault (MHDF). According to the newly discovered fault section at Tianshengjuan and the age of the faulted T1 terrace at Dafenggou, it is concluded that the active eras of the MHDF is the middle-late Holocene, and the latest tectonic activity occurred since 1970±290 a. The research shows that the MHDF is not only still active in the late Quaternary, but also the latest structural deformation has extended to the frontal Yumen fold-thrust belt and the secondary thrust system between them. Moreover, the MHDF has the potential for strong earthquakes of magnitude 6.5~7.1 or higher in the future, and the late Quaternary activity and seismic risk of the HDF deserve attention and in-depth study.


