
    Hydrochemical characteristics and genesis of geothermal water in Bangor geothermal area, Tibet

    • 摘要: 西藏班戈地区拥有丰富的温泉地热资源,本次研究选取班戈县内11个出露较好的温泉,采集并整理分析水化学及同位素数据。运用地球化学方法定量分析地热系统的水化学特征、热储温度、补给情况以及热水年龄,以期达到对班戈地区温泉地热资源可持续利用的目标。研究区地热水化学类型主要为HCO3-Na水,水岩相互作用为区内地热水的主要盐分来源。微量元素F、Li、SiO2富集且与Cl存在较强的正相关性,显示热水存在深部流体的混入的可能性较大;地球化学温度计估算热储温度32~161℃;氢氧同位素数据显示热水的主要补给来自大气降水,存在较轻微的“氧漂移”现象,补给区高程5954m~6707m;氚含量普遍<1 TU,可定性判断地下热水主要为1952年以前亚现代水的补给。研究成果为后期钻探勘查提供了一定的基础资料,为区域地热资源合理开发利用提供科学依据。


      Abstract: he Bangor area of Tibet is rich in hot spring geothermal resources. In this study, 11 hot springs with good exposure in Bangor County were selected to collect and analyze water chemistry and isotope data. Geochemical methods are used to quantitatively analyze the hydrochemical characteristics, reservoir temperature, recharge and hot water age of the geothermal system in order to achieve the goal of sustainable utilization of hot spring geothermal resources in the Bangor area. The chemical type of geothermal water in the study area is mainly HCO3-Na water, and the water-rock interaction is the main salt source of geothermal water in the area. The trace elements F, Li and SiO2 are enriched and have a strong positive correlation with Cl, indicating that there is a greater possibility of deep fluid mixing in hot water. The geothermal reservoir temperature is estimated to be 32~ 161°C by geochemical thermometer. The hydrogen and oxygen isotope data show that the main recharge of hot water comes from atmospheric precipitation, and there is a slight ' oxygen drift ' phenomenon. The elevation of the recharge area is 5954m~6707m;the tritium content is generally less than 1TU, which can be qualitatively judged that the underground hot water is mainly supplied by sub-modern water before 1952. The research results provide some basic data for later drilling exploration and provide scientific basis for the rational development and utilization of regional geothermal resources.


