
    • 摘要: 明晰地下水位驱动力,实现安全供水定量调控,是保障地下水动态均衡管理、提高水资源战略储备能力的重要途径。本文依托张坊特大型傍河岩溶水源地多年逐月逐日地下水位埋深动态监测资料,采用逐步回归分析方法定量确定多时间尺度下水源地地下水位埋深动态的驱动影响因素,并利用回归模型进行供水安全调控预测。月尺度下,水位埋深受前一月水位埋深影响最显著,其次是当月开采量、前1月降水量,前2月降水量;日尺度下,水位埋深受前1日水位埋深影响最显著,其次是当日开采量、前1日开采量、当日张坊站流量、当日降水量。不同时间尺度下,人为开采是导致地下水位埋深动态变化的直接驱动因素。结合水源地含水层特征,地下水埋深对当日地表水和降水产生迅速响应,得益于表层岩溶裂隙带来的“地表-地下”紧密水力联系;而对前1-2月降水的滞后响应,表明地下水补给来源于深远部岩溶裂隙水流。供水安全调控预测结果显示,在开采极限水位埋深60m、连续三年枯水年约束条件下,枯水期4-7月可适当加大开采,极限开采量为1000×104m3/月。


      Abstract: Clarifying the driving forces of groundwater level and achieving quantitative control of water supply are crucial ways to ensure dynamic balanced management of groundwater and enhance the strategic reserve capacity of water resources. Based on the daily and monthly monitoring data of groundwater depth over the years at the Zhangfang large karstic groundwater source area adjacent to a river, this paper employs stepwise regression analysis to quantitatively determine the driving factors influencing the dynamics of groundwater depth at the water source across multiple time scales. The regression model is then used for predictive control of water supply safety. On a monthly scale, the most significant factor influencing groundwater depth is the depth from the previous month, followed by the current month's extraction volume, precipitation from the previous month, and precipitation from two months ago. On a daily scale, the most significant factor is the depth from the previous day, followed by the current day's extraction volume, the previous day's extraction volume, the current day's flow at the Zhangfang station, and the current day's precipitation. Across different time scales, human extraction is the direct driving factor causing dynamic changes in groundwater depth. Combining the aquifer characteristics of the water source, the groundwater depth responds rapidly to surface water and precipitation on the same day, benefiting from the close hydraulic connection between the surface and groundwater facilitated by surface karst fissures. The delayed response to precipitation from one to two months ago indicates that groundwater recharge originates from water flow in deep karst fissures. The results of the water supply safety regulation prediction show under the conditions of a maximum allowable groundwater depth of 60 meters and three consecutive years of low-water periods, extraction can be appropriately increased during the dry season from April to July, with the maximum extraction volume of 1000×104 m3/month.


