
    Study on the influence mechanism of primary mineral components on CO2geological trapping forms

    • 摘要: 日益加剧的全球气候变化促使CO2捕集与封存(CCS)技术的实施势在必行。本研究基于中国首个全流程咸水层CCS示范工程,采用TOUGHREACT ECO2N构建神华CCS储层长时间序列的水-CO2-热-化学反应耦合模型,研究储集层原生矿物组分对CO2不同捕获机制转化的影响。结果显示,鄂尔多斯盆地深部咸水储层有利于CO2的矿化封存,1000年时的矿化封存量达总注入量的64.02%。储集层中方解石、奥长石、钠长石、绿泥石和高岭石均发生不同程度的溶解,生成蒙脱石、铁白云石和片钠铝石沉淀。铁白云石是主要的固碳矿物,水气两相区的封存量最大,最大可达15 kg/m3。奥长石、钠长石和方解石的含量变化对气体和溶解封存的影响较小,对矿化封存无影响。绿泥石的含量变化对3种封存形式影响较大,当绿泥石初始体积分数从1.9%升高到8.4%时,1000年时矿化封存量从7×108kg升高至1.6×109kg,变化量达到9×108kg。研究成果可作为优化现有CO2封存工程设计和合理评价未来CO2封存区选址的依据,助力实现中国碳中和目标。


      Abstract: The increasingly intensifying global climatic change necessitates carbon capture and storage (also referred to as CCS). Based on China's first whole-process CCS demonstration project in saline aquifers and using the TOUGHREACT ECO2N software, this study constructed a water-CO2-thermal-chemical reaction coupling model for long-term CCS in reservoirs at the Shenhua CCS demonstration site. Using this model, this study investigated the influence of primary mineral components in reservoirs on the transformation of different CO2 capture mechanisms. The results indicate that the deep saline aquifers in the Ordos Basin are favorable for CO2 storage capacity through the mineralization mechanismmineral trapping, with a storage capacity reaching up to 64.02% of the total injectivity at 1000 a. The calcite, orthoclase, albite, chlorite, and kaolinite in the reservoir undergo varying degrees of dissolution, resulting in the precipitation of montmorillonite, iron-bearing dolomite, and analcime. Iron dolomite is the main carbon fixing mineral, with the highest storage capacity in the water gas two-phase zone, reaching up to 15 kg/m3. The changes in the content of plagioclase, albite, and calcite have little impact on gas and dissolution trapping, and have no effect on mineralization trapping. The variation in the content of chlorite has a significant impact on the three types of trapping forms. When the initial volume fraction of chlorite increases from 1.9% to 8.4%, the mineralization trapping amount increases from 7×108 kg to 1.6×109 kg at 1000 a, with a change of 9×108 kg. The results of this study can serve as a reference for the design optimization of existing CO2 storage projects and the proper assessment of the siting of future CO2 storage, assisting in the achievement of China's carbon neutrality target.


