In order to reveal the recharge source and evolution process of different types of groundwater in Huibaoling iron mine area, the recharge source of karst groundwater, the formation mechanism of hydrochemical components and the main water-rock interaction evolution process are revealed through the elemental characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes (δD, δ
18O), Gibbs diagram and the ratio of main ions. The research results show that: ① With the increase of burial depth, the TDS of various types of groundwater significantly increases, and the dominant anions and cations gradually evolve from HCO
3- and Ca
2+ to SO
42-, Cl
- and Na
+;② All kinds of groundwater recharge sources are atmospheric precipitation, which is significantly affected by leaching in the process of runoff; ③ The Li Guan fracture water and Er Qing Shan fracture water show the runoff characteristics of carbonate rocks and silicate aluminum salt rocks, while the metamorphic rock fracture water shows a slow runoff characteristic dominated by silicate aluminum salt rocks; ④ The fissure water in metamorphic rocks is controlled by evaporation and concentration, and Na
+ and K
+ come from the dissolution of silicate minerals, while Ca
2+, Mg
2+, HCO
3-, and SO
42- mainly come from the dissolution of carbonates and sulfates and the oxidation of pyrite. Cation exchange results in a relative surplus of K
+ + Na
+ and a relative deficit of Ca
2+ and Mg
2+; ⑤ The fissure water in Liguan is significantly influenced by human activities, mainly manifested in the external input of NO
3-. The fissure water in Erqingshan and metamorphic rocks is minimally affected by human activities.