
    Research on the suitability evaluation of cultivated land based on surface substrate——Take the Ningbo area as an example

    • 摘要: 随着对土地资源可持续利用认识的加深,地表基质作为支撑和孕育自然资源的基础物质层,有必要开展基于地表基质调查成果的耕地适宜性评价。本文从地表基质物理性质、地表基质化学性质、地形、气候、区位条件5个层面选取15项指标,采用层次分析法(AHP)确定评价中各因子的权重,通过加权求和计算宁波地区的耕地适宜性等级。最后,对宁波市耕地适宜性分区进行空间自相关分析。结果表明:宁波市的耕地适宜性呈现北高南低、平原高山区低的特点,高度适宜区域主要分布于宁波市中北部平原区域,占比28.71%,中度适宜区主要位于城区周边及山前平原附近,占比20.50%,勉强适宜主要位于宁波市中南部低山丘陵区山脊两侧海拔较低区域,占比35.76%,不适宜区主要位于宁波市中南部低山丘陵区海拔较高区域,占比15.03%。通过局部Moran’s I进行分析,耕地适宜性空间相关性分为正相关类型的高-高(HH)、低-低(LL)型和负相关的高-低(HL)、低-高(LH)型5类。基于地表基质调查结果进行耕地适宜性评价,研究结果对于耕地建设具有一定的参考和应用价值,并对未来研究方向提出了建议。


      Abstract: With the deepening understanding of the sustainable use of land resources, the ground substrate, as the fundamental material layer that supports and nurtures natural resources, is increasingly highlighting its importance in the evaluation of the suitability of arable land. This study aims to explore the intrinsic connection between the characteristics of the ground substrate and the suitability of arable land, as well as how to enhance the scientific and precision of arable land evaluation through the investigation of the ground substrate. Taking Ningbo City in Zhejiang Province as an example, this paper selects 15 indicators from five aspects: physical properties of the ground substrate, chemical properties of the ground substrate, topography, climate, and location conditions. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to determine the weight of each factor in the evaluation, and the suitability of arable land in the Ningbo area is calculated by weighted summation. The suitability of arable land in Ningbo City shows a characteristic of being higher in the north and lower in the south, and higher in plains than in mountainous areas. The highly suitable areas are mainly distributed in the central and northern plain areas of Ningbo City, accounting for 28.71% of the total area. The moderately suitable areas are mainly located around the urban area and near the front of the mountains, accounting for 20.50% of the total area. The marginally suitable areas are mainly located in the lower mountainous hilly areas on both sides of the ridges with lower altitudes in the central and southern part of Ningbo City, accounting for 35.76% of the total area. The unsuitable areas are mainly located in the higher altitude areas of the lower mountainous hilly areas in the central and southern part of Ningbo City, accounting for 15.03% of the total area. The type, distribution, profile characteristics, and organic matter content of the ground substrate have a significant impact on the planning of arable land use. In the plain areas, the soil matrix areas have a higher suitability for arable land, while in the lower mountainous hilly areas, the gravel and rock matrix areas have a lower suitability. Finally, this paper discusses the limitations of the application of ground substrate investigation in the evaluation of arable land suitability and puts forward suggestions for future research directions.


