Aiming at the technical problems of prospecting for hidden iron ore in the high magnetic background area of Anshan-Benxi region, Gongchangling iron mine concentration area is selected as the research area, Systematic analysis and study of the metallogenic geological and geophysical characteristics of the typical ore deposits representing the Underground mining area and the Hejia mining area. Obtaining geological and geophysical exploration indicators. Constructing geological-geophysical prospecting model of Gongchangling Iron Mine, Forming technique and method of prospecting for hidden iron ore in Gongchangling iron mine concentration area.Gaojiagou Iron Mine is taken as the object of application research of prospecting prediction, Through delineation of prospecting prospect area, selection of prospecting target area, identification and location of hidden iron ore body by ground magnetic method and drilling verification work, the hidden Gaojiagou iron ore deposit in this area has been found, and its resources are up to medium-sized iron ore scale, This provides theoretical basis and practical guidance for further prospecting in Gongchangling iron mine concentration area.