
    Exploration of the relationship between dome structure and the formation of pegmatite lithium deposits: A case study of the Ke’eryin rare metal ore field

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 四川可尔因稀有金属矿田是松潘-甘孜造山带内最重要的伟晶岩型锂矿密集区之一,产于马尔康穹隆中。目前对该穹隆构造如何控制伟晶岩(矿)脉产出尚不清楚,一定程度上限制了对该地区矿体赋存规律的理解。本文探讨可尔因矿田穹隆构造与伟晶岩型锂矿的形成关系,进而指导该地区伟晶岩型锂矿勘查。
      研究方法 对可尔因地区穹隆构造与典型矿床伟晶岩脉产出特征开展了深入的野外地质调查与构造解析。
      研究结果 对穹隆构造变形特征的调查结果显示,可尔因地区穹隆构造主要包含4期变形:第一期为早期区域收缩变形,第二期为可尔因韧性拆离带的发育,第三期为顶面向外滑脱+张性破裂的发育,第四期为后期叠加变形。对伟晶岩脉产出特征的分析显示,典型矿床伟晶岩脉的产出可能与下部隐伏岩体的抬升有关,而非简单受控于穹隆核部主岩体部分。
      结论 结合区域构造演化资料分析认为,上述穹隆变形的第一期与造山早期双向挤压碰撞有关,第二期韧性拆离带的发展是引发可尔因穹隆核部抬升的重要因素,第三期变形中张性破裂是该地区伟晶岩矿脉的主要容矿构造,第四期变形中新生代逆冲断层的发育使得矿田东南部穹隆幔部得以保存,其中的大型—超大型锂矿床受较低程度的构造剥蚀。整个可尔因矿田花岗岩和上覆三叠系可视作主穹隆系统,而局部隐伏花岗岩株和上覆地层可视作子穹隆系统,区内典型锂矿床中伟晶岩(矿)脉的产出受控于子穹隆系统。根据穹隆控矿的特征,指出核部物质来源、幔部容矿空间及伟晶岩空间分带效应是影响并控制可尔因地区穹隆成矿系统的3个重要因素,针对伟晶岩型锂矿的地质找矿尤其要注意梳理子穹隆系统的上述三要素。上述创新思路已在四川加达、高壤等矿床(区)找矿中成功应用,为在以深切割、厚覆盖为特征的高原地区进一步提升伟晶岩型锂矿找矿效率提供了参考依据。


      Objective The Ke’eryin lithium ore field in Sichuan is one of the most significant pegmatite−type lithium mineralization zones within the Songpan−Ganzi orogenic belt, situated within the Markam dome. However, the tectonic control exerted by this dome on the emplacement of pegmatite (ore) veins remains unclear, which somewhat limits understanding of the ore−hosting patterns in this region. This paper aims to explore the relationship between the dome structure in the Ke’eryin ore field and the formation of pegmatite−type lithium deposits, providing guidance for the exploration of pegmatite−type lithium resources in the region.
      Methods Comprehensive field geological investigations and structural analyses were conducted to examine the dome structure and the distribution characteristics of pegmatite veins in typical deposits in the Ke'eryin area.
      Results The investigation into the deformation characteristics of the dome structure reveals that the dome has underwent four phases of deformation. The first phase is early regional contractional deformation. The second phase involves the development of the Ke'eryin ductile detachment zone. The third phase includes the formation of outward−slipping detachments and tensional fractures, and the fourth stage represents late superimposed deformation. Analysis of the occurrence characteristics of pegmatite veins indicates that the distribution of these veins in typical deposit is likely related to the uplift of concealed bodies rather than the outcropped portions of the dome core.
      Conclusions Based on regional tectonic evolution, it is suggested that the first stage of dome deformation is related to bi−directional compressional collision during the early orogenic stage, while the development of the detachment zone in the second stage was a key factor in uplifting the dome core. The tensional fractures formed during the third stage serve as the primary ore−hosting structures for the pegmatite veins in this region. In the fourth stage, the development of Cenozoic thrust faults preserved the mantle of the dome in the southeastern part of the ore field, protecting large to super−large lithium deposits from significant denudation. The granite and overlying Triassic strata in the Ke'eryin ore field can be regarded as the main dome system, while locally concealed granite stocks and overlying strata form sub−dome systems that controled the occurrence of pegmatite (ore) veins in typical lithium deposits. Based on the ore−controlling characteristics of domes, this paper further points out that the core material source, the ore−hosting space in the mantle, and the spatial zoning effect of pegmatites are the three key factors influencing and controlling the dome mineralization system in the Ke'eryin area. For the geological exploration of pegmatite−type lithium deposits, it is particularly important to identify and analyze these three elements within sub−dome systems. The above innovative ideas have been successfully applied and demonstrated in lithium deposits (areas) such as Jiada, and Gaorang, providing a reference for further improving the exploration efficiency of pegmatite type lithium resources in plateau areas characterized by deep cutting and thick coverage.


