
    Discovery of hydrothermal beryllium deposit in the Changshan area of Northwest Zhejiang Province

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 铍属于国家战略关键金属,其成矿机制、成矿规律及资源潜力研究对于寻找铍矿具有重要意义。
      研究方法 通过对浙西北常山地区进行铍矿调查与找矿,结合电子探针化学成分分析,
      研究结果 在高坞山和蕉坑坞萤石矿中发现了新的铍矿床。该矿床中可含高达4400×10−6 Be,矿石矿物主要为硅铍石和羟硅铍石,与萤石、钾长石、石英、方解石等形成矿物组合。硅铍石晶体颗粒较大,个别可达厘米级。该铍矿与萤石矿一起充填于构造裂隙或层间裂隙中,是岩前花岗岩岩浆-热液与围岩发生反应所致,属于热液型铍矿。
      结论 高坞山和蕉坑坞铍矿的发现及周边地区铍地球化学异常显示,常山地区具有较大的铍成矿潜力,应作为铍资源找矿勘查的重点区域。


      Objective Beryllium, a nationally strategic critical metal, plays an indispensable role in modern technology and defense industries.
      Methods Investigating its mineralization mechanisms, patterns, and resource potential is of paramount importance.
      Results Recent explorations in the Changshan area of northwest Zhejiang have unveiled promising beryllium deposits within the Gaowushan and Jiaokengwu fluorite occurrences. These deposits exhibit notable concentrations of up to 4400 ×10−6 Be, with phenakite and bertrandite being the principal ore minerals. These minerals are intimately associated with fluorite, K−feldspar, quartz, and calcite. A remarkable feature of these deposits is the relatively large size of phenakite crystals, some exceeding centimeters in length. The beryllium−bearing minerals are predominantly found filling structural fractures or interlayer fissures adjacent to fluorite ore bodies, which suggests that these are hydrothermal−type deposits formed through the interaction of granite−derived magmatic hydrothermal fluids with host rocks.
      Conclusions The identification of significant Be mineralization at Gaowushan and Jiaokengwu, coupled with the detection of beryllium geochemical anomalies in nearby regions, underscores the substantial mineralization potential of the Changshan district. Consequently, this area should be prioritized for further exploration aimed at assessing and developing its beryllium resources.


