
    Hydration Characteristics and Paleoenvironmental Implicationsof Paleocene-Neogene ClasticRocks in Hualong Basin, Northeastern Margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

    • 摘要: 青藏高原东北缘的化隆盆地内沉积有巨厚的古-新近系碎屑岩建造,较为完整地记录了高原隆升、古气候和古地理演化等过程,同时其地质特征又关乎区域地下水资源开发利用和工程建设。本文从水工环地质角度对盆地内碎屑岩的岩性组成、裂隙孔隙水水质及碎屑岩含盐量进行了调查分析和综合研究,并初步探讨了其古沉积环境。研究表明,群科-尖扎盆地古-新近系碎屑岩以砂砾岩、泥岩、砂岩为主,裂隙孔隙水矿化度0.25~1.52 g/L,水化学类型多属HCO3-Ca、HCO3-Na、HCO3-Ca·Mg·Na型,碎屑岩含盐量0.13%~0.18 %,属非盐渍岩;循化盆地碎屑岩以砂砾岩、泥岩为主,含石膏岩,裂隙孔隙水矿化度0.24~10.65 g/L,水化学类型多属HCO3·SO4-Na·Ca、SO4·Cl-Na或SO4·Cl-Na·Ca型,碎屑岩含盐量0.19%~1.65 %,多属盐渍岩;结合前人对化隆盆地新生代碎屑岩沉积古气候和古地理的研究分析,认为整个盆地始新世、渐新世和中新世时期古气候以干旱化为特征,古地理位置上循化盆地更靠近盆地中心,处于浓缩和强蒸发的终端湖环境,而群科-尖扎盆地位于盆地边缘地带,处于补径排条件较好的流通环境;该结论对西北干旱缺水地区人畜饮水、工程建设及盆地古环境研究有一定参考价值。


      Abstract: The Hualong Basin in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has a huge thickness of Paleogene-Neogene clastic rock formation, which completely records the process of plateau uplift, paleoclimate and paleogeographic evolution. At the same time, its geological characteristics are related to the development and utilization of regional groundwater resources and engineering construction. In this paper, the lithology composition, fracture pore water quality and salt content of clastic rocks in the basin are investigated, analyzed and comprehensively studied from the perspective of hydraulic ring geology, and the ancient sedimentary environment is preliminarily discussed. The results show that the Paleogene-Neogene clastic rocks in Qunke-Jianzha Basin are mainly glutenite, mudstone and sandstone. The salinity of fracture pore water is 0.25~1.52 g/L, and the hydrochemical types are mostly HCO3-Ca, HCO3-Na and HCO3-Ca·Mg·Na. The salt content of clastic rocks is 0.13 %-0.18 %, which belongs to non-saline rock. The clastic rocks in Xunhua Basin are mainly sandy conglomerate and mudstone, containing gypsum rock. The salinity of fissure pore water is 0.24~10.65 g/L. The hydrochemical types are mostly HCO3·SO4-Na·Ca, SO4·Cl-Na or SO4·Cl-Na Ca. The salt content of clastic rock is 0.19 %~1.65 %, which is mostly saline rock.Combined with the previous research and analysis of the paleoclimate and paleogeography of the Cenozoic clastic rocks in the Hualong Basin, it is considered that the paleoclimate of the whole basin during the Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene was characterized by aridity. In the paleogeographic location, the Xunhua Basin is closer to the center of the basin and is in the terminal lake environment of concentration and strong evaporation, while the Qunke-Jianzha Basin is located at the edge of the basin and is in the circulation environment with better recharge, runoff and discharge conditions. This conclusion has certain reference value for the study of human drinking water in arid and water-deficient areas of Northwest China, engineering construction and basin paleoenvironment.


