
    Metallogenic mechanism of the Mangyahedong gold deposit in the Qimantage area of Qinghai province: constraintsfrom hydrothermal apatite U-Pb dating and trace elements of pyrite

    • 摘要: 茫崖河东金矿床位于东昆仑祁漫塔格地区中部,是近年祁漫塔格地区首个发现的具有找矿潜力的造山型金矿。矿体产于祁漫塔格群火山岩组中,受NW向构造破碎带控制。但矿床成因研究不足,本文通过系统的镜下鉴定及TIMA矿物定量分析,针对不同阶段的黄铁矿开展了LA-ICP-MS微量元素分析,对与主成矿期黄铁矿密切伴生的热液磷灰石,开展了LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年,并探讨了矿床的成矿机制。取得认识如下:①成矿阶段从早到晚包括:绢英岩化阶段(Ⅰ)、碳酸盐-绿泥石-硫化物-自然金阶段(Ⅱ)及成矿晚期方解石-黄铁矿脉阶段(Ⅲ)。电子探针成分及BSE图像分析显示,除自然金形式产出外,Au含量在成矿早阶段富As的黄铁矿核部相对较高(0.02%-0.06%, n=8),而黄铁矿边部几乎不含Au,指示黄铁矿、毒砂向磁黄铁矿转变过程释放了Au,多阶段溶解-再沉淀过程是金富集成矿的主要机制;②金矿石中热液磷灰石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果为406±13Ma(207Pb校正后的下交点年龄);③综合认为茫崖河东金矿属于造山型金矿,金矿成矿与区域变质-变形作用有关,成矿物质来源于祁漫塔格群火山岩组。


      Abstract: The Mangyahedong gold deposit is located in the central part of the Qimantage area of the East Kunlun Mountains. It is the first orogenic gold deposit with prospecting potential discovered in the Qimantage area in recent years. The ore body is located in the volcanic rock formations of the Qimantagee Group and is controlled by NW trending tectonic fracture zones. However, there is insufficient research on the genesis of the deposit. This article conducted LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis on different stages of pyrite through systematic microscopic identification and TIMA mineral quantitative analysis. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating was conducted on hydrothermal apatite closely associated with the main mineralization period of pyrite, and the mineralization mechanism of the deposit was explored. The understanding obtained is as follows: ① The mineralization stages from early to late include: sericitization stage (I), carbonate chlorite sulfide natural gold stage (II), and late mineralization stage calcite pyrite vein stage (III). Electron probe composition and BSE image analysis show that, in addition to natural gold production, the Au content in the core of As rich pyrite is relatively high in the early mineralization stage (0.02% -0.06%, n=8), while the edges of pyrite almost do not contain Au, indicating that the transformation process from pyrite and arsenopyrite to magnetite releases Au, and the multi-stage dissolution re precipitation process is the main mechanism for gold rich integration; ② The LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating result of hydrothermal apatite in gold ore is 406 ± 13Ma (207Pb corrected lower intersection age); ③ It is generally believed that the Mangyahedong gold deposit belongs to the orogenic type, and its mineralization is related to regional metamorphism deformation. The ore-forming material comes from the volcanic rock formations of the Qimantage Group.


