The Mangyahedong gold deposit is located in the central part of the Qimantage area of the East Kunlun Mountains. It is the first orogenic gold deposit with prospecting potential discovered in the Qimantage area in recent years. The ore body is located in the volcanic rock formations of the Qimantagee Group and is controlled by NW trending tectonic fracture zones. However, there is insufficient research on the genesis of the deposit. This article conducted LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis on different stages of pyrite through systematic microscopic identification and TIMA mineral quantitative analysis. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating was conducted on hydrothermal apatite closely associated with the main mineralization period of pyrite, and the mineralization mechanism of the deposit was explored. The understanding obtained is as follows: ① The mineralization stages from early to late include: sericitization stage (I), carbonate chlorite sulfide natural gold stage (II), and late mineralization stage calcite pyrite vein stage (III). Electron probe composition and BSE image analysis show that, in addition to natural gold production, the Au content in the core of As rich pyrite is relatively high in the early mineralization stage (0.02% -0.06%, n=8), while the edges of pyrite almost do not contain Au, indicating that the transformation process from pyrite and arsenopyrite to magnetite releases Au, and the multi-stage dissolution re precipitation process is the main mechanism for gold rich integration; ② The LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating result of hydrothermal apatite in gold ore is 406 ± 13Ma (
207Pb corrected lower intersection age); ③ It is generally believed that the Mangyahedong gold deposit belongs to the orogenic type, and its mineralization is related to regional metamorphism deformation. The ore-forming material comes from the volcanic rock formations of the Qimantage Group.