
    Analysis of temporal changes in carbon source/sink of farmland ecosystem in Heihe City based on carbon footprint

    • 摘要: 碳足迹是用来衡量个体、组织、产品或国家在一定时间内直接或间接导致的CO₂排放量的指标。我国地市级农田生态系统碳源/汇研究不够充分,且时间跨度较窄,测算过程中甚至会忽视农田N2O、稻田CH4、土壤呼吸或固碳这些重要部分的测算,不能正确反应地区生态系统碳源/汇状况。本文黑河市农田生态系统为研究对象,基于1984~2023年农作物播种面积、产量和农业生产投入等统计数据,构建碳足迹模型,估算黑河市农田生态系统碳源/汇总量,分析时序变化特征,在此基础上,针对性提出农田生态系统固碳减排和绿色可持续发展的建议。结果表明:在黑河市(1)农田生态系统的碳排放随时间推移而增加,其吸收和碳足迹表现出波动性;(2)翻耕和化肥使用是主要的碳排放来源;(3)大豆、玉米以及小麦是主要的碳吸收作物:(4)农田生态系统发挥着碳汇功能,黑河市农田生态系统表现为碳生态盈余。


      Abstract: Carbon footprint is an indicator used to measure the amount of carbon dioxide emissions directly or indirectly caused by individuals, organizations, products, or countries over a certain period of time. The research on carbon sources/sinks in agricultural ecosystems at the municipal level in China is not sufficient, and the time span is narrow. In the calculation process, important parts such as N2O in farmland, CH4 in rice fields, soil respiration or carbon sequestration are even ignored, which cannot accurately reflect the carbon source/sink status of regional ecosystems. This article takes the farmland ecosystem in Heihe City as the research object. Based on statistical data such as crop sowing area, yield, and agricultural production input from 1984 to 2023, a carbon footprint model is constructed to estimate the total carbon source/sink of the farmland ecosystem in Heihe City. The temporal variation characteristics are analyzed, and on this basis, targeted suggestions for carbon sequestration, emission reduction, and sustainable green development of the farmland ecosystem are proposed. The results show that: (1) the carbon emissions of farmland ecosystems in Heihe City increase over time, and their absorption and carbon footprint exhibit volatility; (2) Tillage and fertilizer use are the main sources of carbon emissions; (3) Soybeans, corn, and wheat are the main carbon absorbing crops: (4) The agricultural ecosystem plays a carbon sink role, and the agricultural ecosystem in Heihe City shows a carbon ecological surplus.


