
    Distribution and causes of selenium-rich soil in Lixiahe area of Hai 'an, Jiangsu Province

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 近年来,天然富硒土地资源的开发利用越来越受到关注,但对于远离母岩的平原区富硒土壤成因尚不明确。以海安里下河地区为例,探讨平原区富硒土壤分布特征及其成因,进而指导富硒土地资源的开发利用。
      研究方法 系统梳理了研究区1800组表层土壤样品和1000组土壤剖面样品地球化学数据,并给合以往研究资料,对数据开展了综合分析研究,采用沉积物的粒度特征反演了母质沉积环境。
      研究结果 研究区农用地表层土壤中Se含量最高达0.63 mg/kg,富集区(≥ 0.3 mg/kg)面积达66 km2。土壤垂向剖面上,耕作层(0~20 cm)、犁底层(20~40 cm)、心土层(50~80 cm)、底土层(80~100 cm)和深土层(150~180 cm)Se平均含量分别为0.23 mg/kg、0.18 mg/kg、0.13 mg/kg、0.12 mg/kg、0.11 mg/kg,表聚性十分明显;表层土壤Se含量与母质层呈高度正相关,其相关系数在0.6~0.8(p<0.01)之间。地表高程与土壤Se含量出现极显著负相关,相关系数达−0.6 (p<0.01),地势越高,土壤Se含量越低;土壤有机质与Se呈显著的正相关,成壤过程对硒具有重要的吸附和固定作用。
      结论 研究区母质层主要受古潟湖-砂坝沉积体系的控制,富硒土壤主要为发育于古潟湖相的母质经表生富集作用形成,潟湖相沉积环境控制了土壤硒富集边界。基于多元线性回归分析技术揭示了土壤硒富集控制因素,其中土壤有机质对于研究区Se的富集起到了决定性作用,对土壤硒富集的贡献率达70%。


      Objective Recently, the development and utilization of natural selenium−rich land resources have attracted increasing attention. However, the genesis of selenium−rich soil in plain areas far from parent rocks is still unclear. This paper aims to take the Lixiahe area in Hai'an as an example to explore the distribution characteristics and genesis of selenium−rich soil in plain areas, thereby guiding the development and utilization of selenium−rich land resources.
      Methods The paper systematically collated geochemical data from 1800 groups of surface soil samples and 1000 groups of soil profile samples in the study area, and combined with previous research data, conducted a comprehensive analysis and study of the data. The grain size characteristics of sediments were used to infer the depositional environment of the parent material.
      Results The selenium (Se) content in the surface soil of agricultural land in the study area reaches up to 0.63 mg/kg, and the area of the enrichment zone (≥ 0.3 mg/kg) is 66 km2. In the vertical soil profile, the average Se content in plough layer ( 0~20 cm ), plough pan ( 20~40 cm ), subsoil ( 50~80 cm ), subsoil ( 80~100 cm ) and deep soil ( 150~180 cm ) were 0.23 mg/kg, 0.18 mg/kg, 0.13 mg/kg, 0.12 mg/kg, and 0.11 mg/kg, respectively, showing a very obvious surface accumulation; the selenium content in surface soil was highly positively correlated with the parent material layer, with a correlation coefficient between 0.6 and 0.8 (P<0.01). There was a highly significant negative correlation between ground elevation and soil Se content, with a correlation coefficient of −0.6 (P<0.01), indicating that the higher the terrain, the lower the soil Se content; soil organic matter (SOM) was significantly positively correlated with Se, playing an important role in the adsorption and fixation of selenium during soil formation.
      Conclusions The parent material layer was mainly controlled by the ancient lagoon−sand dam sedimentary system. The selenium−rich soil in the area was mainly formed by the supergene enrichment of the parent material developed in the ancient lagoon facies. The lagoon facies sedimentary environment controls the selenium enrichment boundary of the soil. Based on multiple linear regression analysis, the controlling factors of soil selenium enrichment were revealed. Among them, SOM played a decisive role in the enrichment of Se in this area, and the contribution rate to soil Se enrichment was 70%.


