
    Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the Early Cretaceous syenogranite in Huanggangliang area, southern Great Hinggan Range: Evidence from zircon U−Pb ages, petrogeochemistry and Sr−Nd−Pb isotopes

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 大兴安岭南段黄岗梁锡铁矿区及外围发育大面积花岗岩类,加强其成岩时代、岩石成因类型、成岩成矿物质来源等研究,有利于探究该区成岩与成矿关系和早白垩世碰撞造山机制。
      研究方法 采集大兴安岭南段黄岗梁锡铁矿区及外围样品,进行岩相学、锆石U−Pb测年、岩石地球化学及Rb−Sr、Sm−Nd、Pb同位素研究。
      研究结果 获得岩浆结晶年龄为141.9~139.1 Ma,较成矿年龄早约3 Ma,形成于早白垩世。岩石具有高硅、低铝、低镁、富钾少钠特征,为高钾钙碱性A型花岗岩。(87Sr/86Sr)i143Nd/144Nd值分别介于0.70031~0.70543和0.512572~0.512636之间,εNd(t)值为0.07~ 1.18,Nd同位素模式年龄TDM2为926 ~838 Ma。
      结论 黄岗梁矽卡岩型锡铁矿床成岩物质于新元古代从亏损地幔分离,在上升侵位过程中受到地壳物质混染。大兴安岭南段地区在早白垩世经历了蒙古–鄂霍次克洋碰撞闭合伸展作用和古太平洋高角度俯冲作用叠加。


      Objective A large area of granitoids had been developed in the huanggangliang tin-iron mining and its surrounding area in the southern Great Hinggan Range. Thus, the study on its diagenetic age, petrogenetic type and source of diagenetic and ore-forming materials provides important insights to the mechanism of Early Cretaceous collision orogeny in this area and its relationship with mineralization.
      Methods Samples were collected from the Huanggangliang tin−iron mining area and its surrounding areas in the southern Great Hinggan Range for petrography, zircon U−Pb geochronology, rock geochemistry, and Rb−Sr, Sm−Nd, Pb isotope studies.
      Results  The crystallization ages of these samples range from 141.9 Ma to 139.1 Ma, which was formed during the Early Cretaceous and was about 3 Ma earlier than the mineralization age. The rocks are belong to high potassium calcium alkaline A−type granites with characteristics of high silicon, low aluminum, low magnesium, high potassium and low sodium. The ratios of (87Sr/86Sr)i and 143Nd/144Nd are 0.70031~0.70543 and 0.512572~0.512636, respectively, the value of εNd (t) is 0.07~ 1.18, and the Nd isotope model age TDM2 ranges from 926 Ma to 838 Ma.
      Conclusions The diagenetic materials of the Huanggangliang skarn tin−iron deposit were separated from the depleted mantle in Neoproterozoic, and experienced crustal contamination during ascending emplacement process. The southern Great Hinggan Range area experienced high−angle subduction of the Paleo−Pacific Ocean plate after post−collisional extension of the Mongol−Okhotsk Ocean closure.


