
    Discovery and significant implication of the strike-slip faults in Kaijiang-Liangping Trough of the Sichuan Basin

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 沉积盆地走滑断层的识别对其控藏作用研究与勘探部署具有重要意义,但走滑断层规模小、地震分辨率低是制约走滑断控油气藏勘探开发的重点难题,为此在四川盆地开江-梁平海槽东部地区新采集三维地震资料的基础上开展了走滑断层的识别。
      研究方法 通过提高走滑断层分辨率的导航金字塔处理,进行走滑断层判识标志分析与地震解释,并结合钻井资料分析走滑断层的成藏作用。
      研究结果 导航金字塔处理提高了深层微小(垂向断距<30 m)走滑断层的识别精度,提出了高陡直立、花状构造、倾向反转、断距和断层性质突变5个走滑断层剖面识别标志,以及雁列/斜列断层、地质体水平错动、拉分微地堑、马尾构造、类型与高差横向变化和地震属性线性突变6个走滑断层平面识别标志,发现了与北西走向台缘带一致的大型走滑断层带。走滑断层不仅可以沟通烃源岩、有利多层系油气运聚成藏,而且有利于深层碳酸盐岩的天然气富集与高产。
      结论 研究提出了深层微小走滑断层的判识标志,形成了走滑断层的识别方法,发现开江-梁平海槽发育大规模走滑断层系统,并对天然气成藏与分布具有重要控制作用,为开拓四川盆地走滑断控气藏新领域提供了新思路。


      Objective  The identification of strike−slip faults in sedimentary basins is of great significance to the study of the strike−slip fault−controlled reservoir and its exploitation deployment. However, the small−scale and low seismic resolution of strike−slip fault is the key issues restricting the exploration and development of strike−slip fault−controlled oil−gas reservoirs. Therefore, the identification of strike−slip faults is carried out on the basis of new 3D seismic data in the eastern Kaijiang−Liangping Trough of the Sichuan Basin.
      Methods Steerable Pyramid reprocessing of the new 3D seismic data is used to enhance the seismic resolution on the strike−slip faults, the identification marks of the strike−slip faults are analyzed and the strike−slip faults are interpreted by seismic methods, and the fault effects on the gas accumulation and enrichment are discussed by the well data.
      Results The Steerable Pyramid reprocessing has enhanced the seismic identified resolution of deep small (vertical fault displacement <30 m) strike−slip faults. Five marks in seismic section and six marks in plane attribute are proposed to form a method for seismic identification of small strike−slip faults. These include five section marks of vertical fault, flower structure, fault dip reversal, abrupt change of fault displacement and property, and six plane markers of echelon/oblique faults, horizontal offset of geological body, pull−apart micrograben, horsetail structure, horizontal variation of fault type and throw, and linear mutation of seismic attribute. A large strike−slip fault system is found that is consistent with the NW−trending platform margin. The strike−slip fault can not only connect source rocks and facilitate migration and accumulation, but also favor the gas enrichment and high production from the deep carbonate rocks.
      Conclusions This paper proposes the identification markers of deep small strike−slip faults, and put forward the identification method of strike−slip fault. A large strike−slip fault system is found along the Kaijiang−Liangping Trough, and has significant effects on gas accumulation and distribution. This discovery provides a new exploration and development domain of strike−slip fault−controlled gas reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin.


