
    Geological characteristics and potential of geothermal resources in the uplift mountain-type of Hainan Island

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 海南岛隆起山地型地热资源十分丰富,发现了46个地热田、温泉。研究其分布的地质背景、地热地质特征和地质成因及资源潜力,对地热资源赋存规律认识和勘探、开发利用具有重要意义。
      研究方法 综合区域地质调查、地球物理、水文地质、地热田(温泉)勘查等资料,开展海南岛隆起山地型地热资源地热地质综合研究,系统分析地热地质要素,明确地热地质特征和成因地质模式及资源潜力,指出地热资源勘探开发有利区。
      研究结果 海南岛中南部隆起山地型地热田(温泉)主要赋存于东西向和北东向深大断裂附近或断裂交会部位,处于大地热流值高值区和恒温层高异常区,受断裂破碎的中生代花岗岩是最主要的热储;地热田(温泉)地下水补给均为大气降水,沿控热断裂与深部大地热流对流,在深循环过程中吸热逐渐形成地热流体,于断裂破碎带热储中富集为热矿水体,在盖层薄弱处排泄出地表则形成热水泉;海南岛隆起山地型地热资源总的可采热水量约8.1×104 m3/d,可采资源量26.17×108 kcal/d,折合126.81 MW,相当于标煤373.83 t/d,按地热资源温度和规模分类,分别划分为中温、低温2类和中、小型2类地热资源。
      结论 海南岛东南部和西北部深大断裂附近或交会部位、大地热流高值区、中生代花岗岩侵入体出露(或隐伏)区、具有高的地面水温的地区是隆起山地型地热资源勘探开发的有利区。


      Objective Hainan Island is very rich in geothermal resources of the uplifted mountain−type, with 46 geothermal fields and hot springs discovered. Studying the geological background, geothermal geological characteristics, genesis, and resource potential is of great significance for understanding the occurrence regularity, exploration, and development of geothermal resources.
      Methods Based on comprehensive regional geological surveys, geophysics, hydrogeological, regional geological surveys and geothermal fields (hot springs) survey data, to carry out a comprehensive study on geothermal geology of the uplifted mountain−type geothermal resources in Hainan Island . a systematic analysis of geothermal geological elements, basically clear the geothermal geological characteristics, genetic model, and the potential of the resources, pointed out a favorable area for geothermal resource exploration and development.
      Results Geothermal fields (hot springs) in the south−central uplifted mountainous−type of Hainan Island.are mainly located in the east−west and north−east near the deep−seated faults or the intersection of fractures, in the high value of the heat flow and high anomalies of constant temperature layer, broken by the fracture of the Mesozoic granite is the most important heat storage. Geothermal fields (hot springs) groundwater recharge are atmospheric precipitation, along the heat−controlled fractures and deep earth heat flow convection, heat absorption in the deep cycle process gradually formed geothermal fluid, in the fracture zone thermal storage for the enrichment of thermal mineral water body, in the cover of the weak drainage out of the surface is the formation of hot water springs. Hainan Island uplifted mountain−type geothermal resources, the total amount of recoverable thermal water of about 8.1×104 m3/d, the recoverable resources 26.17×108 kcal/d, equivalent to 126.81 MW, equivalent to the standard coal of 373.83 t/d, according to the temperature of the geothermal resources and the scale of classification, respectively, are divided into medium−temperature, low−temperature and medium−scale, small−scale geothermal resources.
      Conclusions The areas near or at the intersection of deep−seated faults in the southeast and northwest of Hainan Island, the high value area of geothermal heat flow, the exposed (or hidden) area of Mesozoic granite intrusion, and the areas with high surface water temperature are favorable areas for exploration and development of uplifted mountain−type geothermal resources.


