
    Neogene volcanic rock sequence and its reconstruction of Daruo-Zhuangla volcanoes in the western segment of Gangdise igneous rock belt, Xizang Plateau

    • 摘要: 青藏高原的新生代火山岩地层、岩相(岩石)与构造是高原演化过程的重要记录。针对青藏高原南部冈底斯岩浆岩带西段近南北向展布的达若−壮拉火山构造洼地内新近纪火山作用过程,在1∶5万遥感解译和地质调查基础上,结合1∶2000岩石地层剖面测制、锆石U−Pb同位素定年等方法开展了火山地层序列及活动时序重塑研究。结果发现,该新近纪火山活动包含了锆石U−Pb年龄分别为11 Ma、10 Ma的早、晚2期喷发沉积序列,其中早期火山活动以单纯中心式喷溢为主,伴有小规模的爆发作用,形成了盾状熔岩穹隆或熔岩台地,火山喷发物主要为粗面安山岩、粗安质熔结凝灰岩和粗安质凝灰熔岩等;而晚期火山活动以侵出、侵入活动和小规模爆发作用为主,形成了熔岩和火山渣组成的火山锥,火山喷发物主要为粗安质熔结凝灰岩、粗安质凝灰熔岩、粗安质火山碎屑岩、玻基粗面斑岩等。该套新近纪火山序列的爆发指数整体较低,喷发方式属于斯特朗博利型或夏威夷型,空间上与区内的早期古近纪火山机构呈切割式、叠套式组合,反映新近纪与古近纪火山活动中心存在空间迁移特征。同时发现,该区火山作用时代与区域伸展构造的发育时间基本重叠,表明该区新近纪火山活动应形成于青藏高原碰撞后的陆内拉张环境,发育过程可能受到青藏高原晚新生代近东西向伸展作用控制,从而与区域上的近南北向裂谷系伴生。


      The volcanic strata, lithofacies (rocks), and structures of the Cenozoic volcanoes in the Xizang Plateau are important records to decipher the evolution process of the plateau. In order to reconstruct the Neogene volcanism process in the Daruo-Zhuangla volcano-tectonic depression, a "three-facies geological survey" was carried out for the volcanic rocks in the study area using 1∶50000 geological survey, 1∶50000 remote sensing geological interpretation, 1∶2000 lithostratigraphic section, zircon U−Pb isotope dating and other methods. It is found that the Neogene volcanic activities in the
      study area are characterized by early and late stages, in which the early volcanic activity is dominated by simple central-type eruption accompanied by small-scale eruption, forming a shield lava dome or lava platform, and the volcanic eruptions are trachyandesite, trachyandesitic ignimbrite, and trachyandesitic tufflava, etc; the late volcanic activity is dominated by small-scale eruption, invasion and intrusion, forming a volcanic cone composed of lava and volcanic cinder. The volcanic eruptions are trachyandesitic ignimbrite, trachyandesitic tufflava, trachyandesitic volcaniclastic and vitroporphyric rocks. On the whole, the Neogene volcanic eruption index in the study area is low. The eruption style belongs to the Stromboli type or Hawaiian type. The distribution scale is small, and the spatial and Early Paleogene volcanic edifice are cross-cutting and stacked, which reflects the local migration characteristics of the volcanic activity center. New zircon U−Pb dating ages of the two stages of volcanic products are 11 Ma and 10 Ma, respectively. The ages of the rocks overlap with the development time of the regional extensional structure, indicating that the Neogene volcanic activity was formed in the intracontinental extensional environment after the collision of the Xizang Plateau, and its formation and distribution are controlled by the nearly N-S graben generated by the Late Cenozoic detachment and extension of the Xizang Plateau.


