
    Metallogenic geological characteristics and regional prospecting direction of the Morococha porphyry-skarn-epithermal deposit in Peru

    • 摘要: 秘鲁中部Morococha地区位于中安第斯秘鲁中新世成矿带,是全球最具代表性的世界级斑岩-矽卡岩型和浅成低温热液型成矿系统之一。系统总结了该区斑岩型、矽卡岩型、浅成低温热液型等多种铜钼铅锌银多金属矿化成矿作用特征和最新的研究进展,结合区域岩浆-热液成矿作用过程,提出了下一步找矿方向。Morococha矿区位于秘鲁中部Yali穹隆北段,由中心部位的Toromocho 斑岩型铜钼矿床及外围铅锌银金多金属矿脉组成。区内主要构造为北西向Morococha背斜,地层主要为二叠纪—三叠纪Mitu群火山碎屑岩、侏罗纪Pucara群碳酸盐岩、早白垩世Goyllarisquizga群海相碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩。矿区中新世岩浆活动主要为中中新世不含矿的闪长质侵入岩(14.3~14.1 Ma)和晚中新世与成矿有关的花岗闪长岩和长石斑岩岩株(9.4~7.7 Ma)。Morococha岩浆−热液系统(8.5~7.2 Ma)是其形成超大型斑岩型铜矿成矿的原因之一,铅锌银多金属矿化主要发生在斑岩型矿化之后约0.5 Ma,受区域构造控制。矿床在空间上显示出明显的金属分带特征,中心斑岩区域为富铜矿石,而远离斑岩区出现更多的富铅锌银矿石。秘鲁中部中新世成矿带分布着众多具有重要经济价值的脉状热液型铅锌银多金属矿床,总结近年来综合地质调查和研究成果,表明这些多金属矿床都属于斑岩−矽卡岩成矿系统的一部分,因此斑岩-矽卡岩型铜矿床及浅成低温热液型贵金属矿床是秘鲁中部重要的找矿方向。


      Abstract: The Morococha area of central Peru, located in the Miocene metallogenic belt of Central Andean Peru, is one of the most representative porphyry−skarn and epithermal ore−forming systems in the world. In this paper, the characteristics and latest research progress of polymetallic mineralization of Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn and Ag in this area, such as porphyry type, skarn type and epithermal type, are systematically summarized. Combined with regional magma-hydrothermal mineralization process, the next prospecting direction in central Peru is proposed. The Morococha deposit, located in the northern section of the Yali Dome in central Peru, consists of a central Toromocho porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit and an peripheral polymetallic vein of lead, zinc, silver and gold. The main structure in the area is the NW Morococha anticline, and the stratigraphy is mainly composed of Permian−Triassic Mitu Group pyroclastic rocks, Jurassic Pucara Group carbonate rocks, Early Cretaceous Goyllarisquizga Group marine clastic rocks and carbonate rocks. The Miocene magmatic activities in the mining area are mainly the ore−free diorite (14.3~14.1 Ma) intrusive rocks in the Middle Miocene and the ore−forming granodiorite and feldspathic porphyry strains (9.4~7.7 Ma) in the Late Miocene. Morococha magma−hydrothermal system (8.5~7.2 Ma) is one of the reasons for the formation of super−large porphyry copper mineralization. Pb−Zn−Ag polymetallic mineralization mainly occurs about 0.5 Ma after porphyry mineralization and is controlled by regional structure. The deposit shows distinct metal zonation features spatially, with the central porphyry area hosting rich Cu ores, while more Zn, Pb, and Ag ores appear farther away from the porphyry zone. The Middle Miocene metallogenic belt in central Peru hosts numerous economically significant vein−type hydrothermal Pb−Zn−Ag polymetallic deposits. Recent comprehensive geological surveys and research results indicate that these polymetallic deposits are all part of the porphyry−skarn metallogenic system. Therefore, porphyry−skarn copper deposits and epithermal precious metal deposits are important exploration directions in central Peru.


