
    Enrichment characteristics and ecological risk assessment of heavy metal Cd in soil and sediment along the Yangtze River in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province

    • 摘要: 镉(Cd)等重金属元素污染是广泛关注的环境问题。为了探究南京沿江地区不同生态系统中重金属Cd富集特征及污染情况,为该区土壤安全利用提供依据,对该区农用地、建设用地、栖霞山矿区、长江底泥、滨江湿地等不同地类共采集了3552个土壤/底泥样品,并测定其pH值和重金属Cd含量,采用累积指数法(ACd)、超标指数法(PCd)、地累积指法(Igeo)和潜在生态危害指数法(Er)对各地类重金属Cd污染风险进行了评价。结果表明:栖霞山矿区、长江底泥和滨江湿地表层土壤/底泥中Cd含量出现高度异常,平均含量分别为1.25 mg/kg、0.82 mg/kg、0.72 mg/kg;与丘陵岗地区相比,长江冲积平原也出现Cd的富集,平均含量为0.35 mg/kg;Cd平均含量依次为栖霞山>长江底泥>滨江湿地>长江冲积平原区>丘陵岗地区>滁河底泥≈南京市背景值;重金属Cd累积指数(ACd)依次为长江底泥>滨江湿地>长江冲积平原>滁河底泥>丘陵岗地区;Cd单项超标指数(PCd)揭示全区95%的区域处于安全状态,约5%的区域出现Cd超标,超标级别为轻微—轻度级,超标区主要分布于东部和八卦洲中南部;地累积指法(Igeo)和潜在生态危害指数法(Er)均揭示,全区约有50%的区域存在生态危害风险,主要分布于长江冲积平原和长江底泥。对于土壤重金属含量超标区建议采用土壤调理剂改善土壤pH值、轮作种植、深耕或添加重金属钝化剂等安全利用措施,同时加强土壤−作物环境监测工作,以防土壤环境进一步恶化。


      Abstract: The pollution of heavy metal elements such as cadmium (Cd) was a widely concerned environmental issue. In order to explore the enrichment characteristics and pollution situation of heavy metal Cd in different ecosystems along the Yangtze River in Nanjing, and provide a basis for the safe use of soil in this area, a total of 3552 soil / sediment samples were collected from different types of land such as agricultural land, construction land, Qixiashan mining area, Yangtze River sediment and riverside wetland, and the pH value and heavy metal Cd content were determined. The accumulation index (ACd), exceedance index method (PCd), geo−accumulation index (Igeo), and potential ecological risk index (Er) were used to evaluate the risk of heavy metal Cd pollution in various regions. The results showed that there had Cd highly abnormal in the Qixiashan mining area, Yangtze River and riverside wetland, and the average contents were 1.25 mg/kg, 0.82 mg/kg, 0.72 mg/kg, respectively. Cd enrichment also occurred in the Yangtze River alluvial plain compared with the hilly area, and the average content was 0.35 mg/kg. The average content of Cd in sequence was Qixia Mountain > Yangtze River sediment> riverside wetland >Yangtze River alluvial plain area>Hilly area>Chuhe River sediment ≈ Nanjing background value. Accumulation index of Cd (ACd) was Yangtze River sediment > riverside wetland > Yangtze River alluvial plain > Chuhe River sediment > Hilly area in sequence. The single exceeding standard index of Cd ( PCd ) revealed that 95% of the area was in a safe state, and about 5% of the area exceeded the standard, exceed standard level was slight− mild, and the over−standard areas were mainly distributed in the east and south−central Baguazhou. Both the geo−accumulation index ( Igeo ) and the potential ecological risk index ( Er ) revealed that about 50% of the region was at ecological risk, which was mainly distributed in the Yangtze River alluvial plain and sediment. It was recommended to adopt safe utilization measures such as improving soil pH using soil conditioners, crop rotation, deep tillage or adding heavy metal passivators in the over−standard areas, and meanwhile the monitoring of soil−crop environment should be strengthened to prevent further deterioration of soil environment.


