
    Characteristics of lithium resources and assessment on mining environment in “Lithium Triangle”, South America

    • 摘要: 南美“锂三角”地区是当前新能源产业革命的热点矿产开发区域,有必要对当地的锂资源分布情况和锂矿投资环境进行梳理与比较,为中资企业在该区开发锂矿提供参考。概述了锂三角地区锂资源成矿地质背景、资源概况及勘查开发现状,认为中新世以来的火山作用提供了丰富的成矿物质来源,上新世构造沉降形成大量封闭汇水盆地,锂矿在安第斯高原沙漠极度干旱气候下在盐湖中蒸发富集。研究区锂资源广泛分布于阿根廷、玻利维亚、智利三国,锂离子浓度高,镁锂比值低,品质优越。结合其所在的锂三角三国具体情况,采用层次分析法和线性加权综合评价法对区内锂矿的开发环境展开评价,建立评价指标体系。在评价过程中,综合分析了资源禀赋、政策法律、社会环境、基建便利度4个一级指标和资源品位、盐湖镁锂比值、资源量、勘探投入、锂矿外资开发政策、财税制度、收益兑回、通货膨胀率、矿业冲突、基建质量、水资源可得性11个二级指标,以定量赋值方式对区内三国的锂矿开发环境差异进行量化分析。经计算,阿根廷锂矿开发环境综合分值为0.8,智利0.36,玻利维亚0.27,认为阿根廷为锂三角地区最佳锂矿投资目标国,且翁布雷穆艾托、考查理-奥拉罗兹等盐湖值得关注投资。研究结论对于中资企业赴锂三角地区开展锂矿开采投资具有现实指导意义。


      Abstract: “Lithium Triangle”, a junction area among Argentina, Bolivia and Chile in South America, is a hot spot for lithium mining in this era of new energy industry revolution, hence it is necessary to discuss and compare the lithium resources distribution and mining investment environment of the area, so as to provide Chinese enterprises with suggestions for investing in the local lithiummining. The paper analyzes the metallogenic geological settings, resources distribution, exploration and development of lithium mining in the study area. It’s concluded that the vocalism since Miocene provided abundant metallogenic materials, and numerous closed catchment basins were formed in the process of Pliocene tectonic subsidence, coupled with the perennial evaporation in extremely arid climate of the Andean desert, then lithium resources were accumulated and conserved in the salt lakes. The superior-quality lithium resources, featured with high content of lithium ion and low ratio of Mg/Li in the brine water, are widely distributed in the junction of Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. Based on the specific conditions of the three countries in the Lithium Triangle, this paper adopted Analytic Hierarchy Process and Linear Weighted Comprehensive Evaluation to establish an evaluation index system of lithium mining environment. Four Tier I indexes including mineral resources endowment, policy and law, social environment and infrastructure, and 11 Tier II indexes including resource grade, Mg/Li ratio, resource quantity, exploration input, lithium mining foreign policy, fiscal and tax system, restrictions on profit repatriation, inflation rate, mining conflicts, infrastructure quality and water availability were generally analyzed. By calculation, the overall score of lithium mining environment in Argentina is 0.8, Chile 0.36 and Bolivia 0.27, indicating that Argentina is the best mining target in the region, and salt lakes such as Hombre Muerto, Cauchari-Olaroz deserve investment attention. The research conclusion may practically guide Chinese mining companies’ investment choice in Lithium Triangle.


