
    A framework and key technologies for national geological survey management data integration and analysis for decision support

    • 摘要: 在地质调查工作过程中,各类信息系统产生了海量的业务管理数据,需要解决这些多来源、高动态、复杂异构数据的有效集成辅助决策问题,驱动管理决策现代化。基于大数据、GIS、数据挖掘等技术,构建了地质调查业务管理数据集成辅助决策的总体架构;通过多源异构数据自动化动态集成处理、基于Hadoop的“湖仓一体”混合式数据组织管理、数据挖掘融合地理智能的分析决策模型等关键技术方法,研发了国家地质调查业务管理大数据系统。系统已接入24个数据源,实现了自动化动态集成,完成了1.5亿余条、20多万档异构数据的一体化组织管理,通过数据和分析服务有效辅助了管理决策。可有效解决大数据环境下数据集成辅助决策问题,提升国家地质调查工作管理决策的效率和水平。


      Abstract: Various information systems have been constructed for national geological survey organization, which have generated massive multi−source and heterogeneous management data. Effective integration and analysis of these data are in dire needs, for the collaborative and intelligent management of the national geological survey. This paper creates a framework based on big data, GIS and data mining technologies. Related key technologies are proposed, involving automatic and dynamic data integration, hybrid data management by Hadoop and "data−lake−warehouse" architecture, and decision support model for geological survey management. Based on the above, National Geological Survey Management Big Data System was constructed, which has integrated data from 24 different sources automatically and dynamically, more than 150 million records and 200 thousand documents have been organized in one, and has supported management decision by data or analysis services. It has been proved that can solve the problem of data integration for decision−making support, and has promoted the management efficiency of the national geological survey.


