
    Neoproterozoic magmatic rocks associated with the opening of Paleo-Asian Ocean in Beishan area

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 中亚造山带南缘北山地区分布的前寒武系岩石对研究古亚洲洋的形成演化及成矿具有重要的价值,但北山地区与古亚洲洋打开相关的岩浆证据发现极少,北山红山铁矿的形成时代也缺少精确的同位素年代学约束。
      研究方法 基于此,在野外调查的基础上,对研究区新发现的新元古代岩浆岩开展了锆石U−Pb年代学和地球化学研究。
      研究结果 北山地区中部独红山辉长岩和与红山铁矿相关的安山质凝灰岩年龄分别为765 Ma 和756 Ma,且辉长岩地球化学特征具有板内(大陆)裂谷构造背景。
      结论 结合已有研究和区域构造演化,认为古亚洲洋南段在北山地区打开的时限不早于765 Ma,北山红山铁矿形成于南华纪(756 Ma)。


      Objective Precambrian rocks distributed in the Beishan area, located in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, is significant for the study of the formation of the Paleo−Asian Ocean (PAO) and its associated mineralization. However, there are no constraints on the magmatism related to opening of PAO, and there is a lack of accurate chronological data regarding the formation of the Hongshan Iron Ore (HIO) deposits in the Beishan area.
      Methods We present the results of field investigations, zircon U−Pb dating, and geochemical analyses of the gabbro and andesitic tuff found in the central Beishan area.
      Results The new U−Pb dating results reveal the crystallization ages of the gabbro and andesitic tuff crystallized at 765 Ma, 756 Ma, respectively. The geochemical composition of the gabbro is indicative of an intraplate rift setting, suggesting a continental tectonic environment during its formation.
      Conclusions Integrating our findings with previous studies, we infer that the southern PAO had opened before 765 Ma in the Beishan area. Additionally, we conclude that the HIO formation occurred during the Nanhuanian Period (756 Ma).


