
    Analysis of selenium content characteristics, origin and main controlling factors of migration transformation in soil−plant system, in west Xingkai Lake

    • 摘要: 硒及其有机化合物对生物体具有重要的生物活性和特殊的保健功能,开展富硒土壤硒成因来源和迁移转化研究,对富硒土地利用和富硒功能产品研发具有重要的科学和经济意义。基于区域地质特征、土壤数据和植物籽实数据,开展土壤硒空间分布和成因来源研究,运用地统计学、相关性、生物富集系数等方法探讨硒在土壤−植物系统中的迁移转化主控因素。土壤Se含量为 0.11~0.70 mg/kg,均值为 0.37 mg/kg,含量特征及空间分布主要受成土母质控制;富锦组黑色岩系是形成富硒土壤的物质基础和Se元素的最初来源,后期有利的古气候环境演化促进了黑色岩系的持续风化,为土壤提供了丰富的硒源;植物富集能力BCF水稻/土壤>BCF玉米/土壤,籽实Se平均含量为Se水稻>Se玉米,含量与土壤理化指标相关性揭示,硒在土壤−植物系统中迁移转化受土壤矿物组成及土壤环境等因素制约。土壤硒主要来源于富锦组黑色岩系及其风化物,硒在土壤−植物系统中迁移转化主控因素为粘土矿物的吸附/解析作用;划定天然富硒土地6550.68 hm2,为富硒土地科学利用和富硒功能产品开发提供地学依据,有效支撑服务地方经济发展和疾病预防。


      Abstract: Selenium and its organic compounds have important biological activities and special health care functions for living organisms, and research on selenium genesis and transport of selenium in selenium-enriched soils is of great scientific and economic significance for selenium-enriched land utilization and selenium-enriched functional product development.Based on the regional geological features, soil data and plant seed data, and research on the spatial distribution and genesis of soil selenium, and explored the main controlling factors of selenium transport and transformation in the soil-plant system by using geostatistics, correlation and bioconcentration coefficients. The soil selenium content ranged from 0.11 mg/kg to 0.70 mg/kg, with an average value of 0.37 mg/kg, and the content characteristics and spatial distribution were mainly controlled by the soil-forming parent material; Fujin Formation black rock series was the material basis for the formation of selenium-rich soils and the initial source of selenium, and the favorable palaeoclimatic environment in the later stages of evolution promoted the continued weathering of the black rock series, which provided a rich source of selenium for the soils; the plant enrichment capacity of the BCFrice/soil> BCFmaize/soil, and the average seed selenium content Serice> Semaize,and the correlation between the selenium content and soil physicochemical indexes revealed that selenium transport and transformation in the soil-plant system are regulated by soil mineral composition and soil environment. Soil selenium mainly comes from Fujin Formation black rock series and its weathered materials, adsorption/resolution of clay minerals as the main controlling factor of selenium transport and transformation in soil-plant system; 6550.68 hm2 of natural selenium-enriched land was delineated, which would provide a geomorphological basis for the scientific utilization of selenium-enriched land and development of selenium-enriched functional products, effectively support services for local economic development and disease prevention.


